Is it OK to exercise when you're sick?

By Genaro C. Armas, American Heart Association News

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If you are sick and plan to exercise this cold and flu season, 专家说要动动脑子,认识到身体的警告信号.

在COVID-19大流行期间,今年冬天采取预防措施尤为重要. 如果有任何关于症状或是否隔离或隔离的问题,咨询医生总是一个好主意.

But in general, 对于轻微的疾病,比如感冒,体育锻炼并不一定是禁忌.

“许多从业者和运动生理学家喜欢坚持的典型经验法则是,如果症状出现在颈部以上, it's OK to get out there and do some exercise," said Amanda Paluch, 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校公共卫生与健康科学学院助理教授.

Think a runny nose or light headache, though it might be wise to ease up from the typical routine, she said.

帕鲁克说:“也许只是出去散散步,而不是剧烈地跑步。. "You can still see benefits even with this lower intensity. 出去走走能让你感觉好一点."

颈部以下的症状,如胸部充血或胃部不适,通常是避免锻炼的征兆. Never exercise when you have a fever, regardless of whether it's related to the flu, COVID-19 or another virus, said Dr. 埃默里大学罗林斯公共卫生学院副教授Felipe Lobelo说.

美国疾病控制和预防中心最近更新的指南建议,被诊断患有COVID-19的人, with or without symptoms, 一般应在出现症状或检测呈阳性后至少隔离10天.

So, that means no exercising during that time, too, Lobelo said. 他说,即使在这10天之后,人们也应该再等一周再恢复锻炼.

And the return to exercise after recovering should be gradual. “由于卧床休息和活动量减少,你可能会感到身体不适, on top of any lingering effects of COVID if you had a cough, fatigue or shortness of breath."

It's important, Lobelo added, 如果运动后症状没有逐渐改善,或者出现胸痛等新症状,要通知医生, 体力活动时出现呼吸短促或极度疲劳.

在大流行期间,寻找安全和负责任的方式保持活跃仍然很重要, whether at home or while outside with social distancing. According to the CDC, physical activity reduces blood pressure and anxiety, improves mood and energy level, and helps people get better sleep.

However, 最好避免在健身房进行室内活动,因为冠状病毒传播的可能性增加了, Lobelo said. 如果你要去,请戴上口罩,保持社交距离,并定期擦拭设备.

洛贝罗说:“你真的希望尽可能多地关注户外活动。. 他还鼓励人们在户外佩戴口罩,以防在路上与人擦肩而过.

帕鲁克为那些不习惯在寒冷中锻炼的人提供了一些建议, including wearing layers of clothing that can be shed if needed. 在锻炼时戴口罩还有一个额外的好处,那就是帮助你的脸保持温暖.

健身追踪器也是一种创造性的方式,可以让你保持活跃,并与家人和朋友进行虚拟互动, said Paluch, who researches the benefits of wearable sensors. For instance, 家庭成员可能会竞相看谁在一周内累积的步数最多,并在网上比较结果.

帕鲁克说:“这类事情可以让人们保持联系,或许还能提供一些动力。. "You can have that social support without direct contact."

If you have questions or comments about this story, please email [email protected].

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