
Young man doing a h和st和 in a grassy field

When you quit smoking, you may feel like you've lost some of the pleasure in life. But that doesn't have to be the case. When you stop smoking, your senses of taste 和 smell start to come back to life. So does your feeling of being in direct contact with the world, without a smoke screen to hide behind. 作为一个不吸烟的人, you can go so many places 和 enjoy so many experiences that were off limits to you as a smoker. Now you can watch a movie in a theater without wanting to jump up 和 go outside for a smoke. You can take that long trip now, without the discomfort of being unable to smoke on the plane, 火车或公共汽车. And like many other things, it gets easier to do all of these things with time.

Keep a list of pleasurable activities you can do when you feel urges during your transition phase.

Here are some ideas to get you started (or come up with your own):


  • 看电影.
  • Build or make something.
  • 植物的花.
  • Take an afternoon nap.
  • 写信.
  • Look at old family photos or home movies.


  • 开派对.
  • 看望老朋友.
  • Play with kids or pets.
  • Join a group; get involved in local politics.
  • 做志愿者工作.
  • Have a picnic in the park.


  • 看一部新电影.
  • 去听音乐会.
  • Go to sporting events.
  • 商店! Buy yourself rewards with the money you've saved.
  • Visit auctions or garage sales.


  • 去观鸟.
  • Visit your local garden, zoo or aquarium.
  • Take a ride to parts of your city (or county) you haven't seen for awhile.
  • 去钓鱼.
  • Participate in your favorite outdoor sport — ski, swim, play tennis or shoot hoops.


  • 购买新的cd或dvd.
  • 做个按摩.
  • Visit a farmer's market.
  • Eat a healthy meal at a nice restaurant.
  • Get some good books from the library.
  • Make plans for a vacation.
  • Spend time on a favorite hobby.