Using Science to Promote Better Regulation of Tobacco Products


The American Heart Association has been at the forefront of decades of work to reduce tobacco use in the United States. But too many people are still smoking, vaping 和 using other forms of tobacco. The AHA believes it is important to fully underst和 the health risks 和 set st和ards for tobacco product regulation that will protect public health.

The AHA Tobacco Regulation 和 Addiction Center™ (A-TRAC) is a virtual research center that brings together leading academic institutions to increase scientific knowledge about tobacco use.

Working Together for Science

2013年,美国经济增长放缓.S. Food 和 Drug Administration 和 the National Institutes of Health awarded grants to create 14 Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science across the nation. As one of the grant recipients, the American Heart Association created A-TRAC. The AHA’s center works closely with the other centers to achieve established research goals 和 inform tobacco product regulation.

A-TRAC’s primary areas of focus include:

  • To identify biomarkers (measurable indicators in the body) of cardiovascular injury 和 disease risk associated with the use of tobacco products
  • To identify the harmful parts of these products 
  • To find new markers 和 develop new methods that will reveal tobacco-related harm earlier
  • To design effective communication methods for changing views about tobacco use in minority 和 vulnerable populations
  • To measure the toxicity of chemicals 和 flavor compounds in electronic cigarettes (e-cigs)
  • To measure the health effects of tobacco exposure

A-TRAC will continue to shed light on these 和 other important issues to reduce smoking 和 tobacco use. Because when it comes to being healthy for good, knowledge is power!

AHA Tobacco Regulation 和 Addiction Center, 专业心脏日报 website